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Ron is a person that can do many things. He can often be found working with other members of the RENZE staff to ensure technical projects are completed with the utmost quality and customer satisfaction. When not working on customer demands, Ron is the local IT guru and is continually working on projects to improve the efficiency of the workforce.

FUN FACT: He is on the board of Mustaches for Kids America and enjoys growing a mustache every May to help local children’s charities by looking debonair.
402.342.1111 ext. 139

Ron Bosworth
Graphic Technologist
Mike Compton
Executive Vice President
Providing the level of customer service that he would like to receive has always driven Mike’s client interactions during his 30+ years with RENZE. A graduate of Creighton Prep, Mike attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha and spent six years in print production management with two local advertising agencies before joining RENZE.

FUN FACT: Makes a mean gin-and-tonic and had a patio built just for enjoying them with friends and family... especially his mother-in-law!
402.342.1111 ext: 122